Siti web di interesse


robotic link

Robot Nao

nao robot

Overview — NAO Software 1.14.5 documentation

Esercitazione corso robotica 2016 - RoboticsLab Unipa

Rasberry PI 3 model B

raspberry pi3


Raspberry Pi Ball tracking
Electronics and Robotics
Raspberry Pi camera module openCV object tracking and following self balancing robot - YouTube
OpenCV and Pi Camera Board ! | Think RPI
UNIPA-Offerta Formativa - Corsi di Studio


[C++] Guida OpenCV - Guide
[Tutorial OpenCV] Riconoscimento delle facce – .: :.
La libreria OpenCV - Configurazione su Windows
Ball Tracking with OpenCV - PyImageSearch
Face detection and tracking with Arduino and OpenCV


arduino mega

Arduino - YouTube
Duino-Robotics - Home
Curso de Arduino 10: Ping - YouTube
Roaming Arduino Robot with Ping! | Grinanbarrett's Adventures with Physical Computing
Boe-bot for arduino roaming with ping on servo turret - Page 2

Pixy CMUCam5

Hooking up Pixy to a Microcontroller like an Arduino - CMUcam5 Pixy - CMUcam: Open Source Programmable Embedded Color Vision Sensors
Setting White Balance Through Arduino - CMUcam5 Pixy - CMUcam: Open Source Programmable Embedded Color Vision Sensors
pixy cmuCAM + Arduino -
Pixy camera: detect the colour of the objects and track their position | Open Electronics
Mikey, the Robot with Vision
CMUcam5 Pixy - CMUcam: Open Source Programmable Embedded Color Vision Sensors
PIXY Camera (CMUcam5) vision sensor- Pixy is a fast vision sensor you can quickly “teach” to
Pixy camera: detect the colour of the objects and track their position | Open Electronics
Pixy CmuCam5 |
Pixy: A Low Cost Camera that Recognizes and Follows Objects by Color
Arduino Tutorial: Ultrasonic Sensor HC SR04 distance meter with a Nokia 5110 LCD display - YouTube


Opensource - FIRST RoboCup Team
Arduino Based Camera

Rasperry Pi - Servo

Controlling servo with python
Controlling servos
Servo test program

IDE Arduino

Alternative Arduino Interfaces -
Visuino - Visual Development for Arduino by Mitov Software
mBlock Download

hc-sr04 ping

MAEP 2.0 | Let's Make Robots!
Arduino Basics: HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
Complete Guide For Ultrasonic Sensor HC - SR04 | Random Nerd Tutorials
Arduino Playground - NewPing Library
Sensore ad ultrasuoni HC-SR04 - Arduino New Ping
Arduino Tutorial #6 - HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor - YouTube


Camera Tracking System (Camera Vision) | ThinkSmallThings

Backup of some arduino code to handle OV7670 · GitHub
Arduino Based Camera arducam
arduino ball follower - Cerca con Google
ball follower robot( IR Sensor) ~ 2embeddedrobotics
Arducam Mini Module Camera Shield with OV2640 2 Megapixels Lens for Arduino UNO Mega2560 Board Amazon

Comunicazione Arduino Matlab Python

Arduino e Python | Alla fine del palo
Arduino e Matlab
Arduino Archivi - Alla fine del palo
Arduino and Matlab GUI Tutorial - HowToMechatronics



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